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Daniel Litts | Pinehurst, NC


Sales, leadership, and customer service training for North Carolina Insurance Companies.

We work with NC Insurance companies to increase sales

The Insurance Companies we work with often tell us...

  • "We don’t have a consistent process for our sales team members."
  • "We have a variety of different business lines and everyone approaches selling them differently."
  • "Prospects and customers are wary of us and it’s hard to gain their trust."
  • "We struggle to have customers and potential clients understand insurance or it’s value."
  • "We have a vastly diverse customer base and they all communicate differently which often presents challenges."
Sales Meeting Sales Call 11

Sell more and provide superior services to your clients

At Sandler Training by Ascending Performance, we work with Executives, Insurance Agents, and Customer Services teams to...

  • Effectively handle frustrated customers and work through difficult or highly emotional situations
  • Overcome stalls and objections from prospects who are unwilling or unable to recognize insurance as a need
  • Develop a strategy for effective lead generation for the unique set of challenges that comes with prospecting in the insurance industry
  • Differentiate themselves from their competition in a market place that is highly competitive and rapidly changing

See what our clients say

Sales Resources for Insurance Professionals

The Contrarian Salesperson

The Contrarian Salesperson

Download this free book chapter and get a sneak peek. Learn how to sell more and sell more easily by doing the opposite of what your prospects expect without looking like a stereotypical salesperson.

Juggle Accounts

Blog: How to Effectively Juggle Client Accounts

Early in every sellers’ career, they learn to segment clients. They have As, Bs, Cs, and “everybody else.” What separates great sellers from others, is their ability to balance these segments and manage their relationship with each other.

Driving Sales in a Growth Recovery

Driving Sales Growth in a Recovery

Markets will change in profound ways. Our job is to understand those changes and adjust to them strategically. The first question you must address is, “Is our team focused on the new normal, crisis management. or better yet… building our recovery plan?”